Monday, February 25, 2008

The hollow people

At first glance the tibettans are a wonderful joyous people, content with their circumnstances and happy with life. Sure, their life is hard, real hard - not just the fake stuff; Its cold up there on the roof of the world, there's wind that cuts through you, dirt everywhere, early mornings and late nights. Life is gamble on the whims of the weather and nature. A good year will bring prosperity, a bad one, full of wolves, foxes and storms may bring them to the brink of disaster. But still, they seem happy.

Unfortuntaly, whether they realise it or not, it's just a facade.
A strong man hurt but trying to look brave is still in pain and someone with depression may put on a happy face but inside their heart bleeds sadness. They can tell themselves they are ok, they can even convince themselves, but in the end there is a pain behind the mask. You can only see it in glimpses; look into their eyes at the right moment and you will see the pain.
Look into the eyes of a tibetten at the right moment and you will see nothing, an empty shell of a person. Nick was the one to see it, at a temple he looked into the eyes of a woman devoutly spilling her prayer wheen and saw nothing, it's as though they're "hollow people", he said. We say, "eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die." They fulfill acts of merit, they fear death. Spinning prayer wheels, enduring painful prostrations, sending prayers to heaven on the back of flags, its all an attempt to make an escape from this place, so this death will "be their last".

Tibettan buddhism is apparently "the peaceful religion" but its really a trap, the mindset of a cycle that claims that life is pain and you need to escape it. There is no hope to be found here. Dig deeper and you will find a black underbelly full of posession and human sacrifice. If you dont beleive me, or dont want to, talk to the lammas, to the rempuches, if they dont know then talk to someone who is higher. Or talk to someone that has already earnt the trust and done the talking. Just dont beleive its all about peace, there's more.

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