Thursday, February 14, 2008


Went for a hike today,
walked past a monistary,
We walked left (Harms and I) while the rest went right.
Came across a nomads home and he invided us in,
we ate sumpa,
drank yak milk tea, ate gou ri.
His dogs were very old, sick, but his family very nice.
We had never met them but were treated as old freinds.
we left, crossed a frozen river of melting ice,
scaled a ridge, went to the peak.
We sat, felt the sun trying to break through the clouds as we drank.
Photos were taken, moments stolen.
Decended the ridge, more photos taken.
Chased unenthusiastically by three dogs,
threw a rock, shouted, they left us alone.
Walking past the town we found some hot springs,
Running water and steam ouside in the tibetten winter... Sweet.
Met some ladies washing their colourful clothes in the springs,
bring red, green and orange.
Their coats so elegantly emboided, highlighted with their coloured sashes.
They laughed as we sank into the mud while crossing to meet them,
we made them smile at least.
Found a locked room over a spring, maybe a hidden bath house,
that would be nice...

At home at last,
It was a crazy day.

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